Curry, rice, seafood, salads, and breads from many cultures are laid out on a large table.

Eat make share

An Asian family is seated for a meal around the dinner table.

Fednews/Library and Archives Canada/PA-148765

A taste of immigration

May 10, 2025–January 18, 2026

Canada’s food is as diverse as its people. The way we eat is shaped by over 400 years of immigration. Food connects people to the past, to place, and to other people.

Explore the connections between food and immigration in Canada through the universal experiences of eating, making, and sharing food. Discover the surprising histories behind popular Canadian dishes. Learn how individuals and communities express themselves through food. Engage in diverse food traditions practiced in Canada through hands-on and multi-sensory activities.

Content Highlights

  • First-person accounts of food experiences.
  • Unique, thought-provoking artifacts.
  • Objects and hands-on activities for all ages.
  • Engaging, multisensory immersives.
  • Digital interactives.
  • Indigenous perspectives and diversity of representation.