Sister Gwladys Rees Aikens

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
Sister Gwladys Rees Aikens
Second line inscription

Country of Origin: Wales
Ship Name: Queen Mary
Date of Arrival: July 1946

Gwladys Rees Aikens was born in Swansea, South Wales. She was educated in Wales and received her nursing training in England.

At the beginning of WWII, she joined the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Services (QAIMS) Reserve and served them in England, North Africa, Italy and Sicily.

She sailed on the Queen Mary and entered Canada as a war bride in 1946. She married Dr. Robert Leander Aikens - a medical doctor who also served in the war.

Old photo of young Gladys in nursing cap.
Blurred photo of young Gladys, wearing a habit and wimple.
Recent, coloured photo of older Gladys, wearing blue and pearls.
Black and white photo of older Gladys, wearing glasses.