Sobey Wall of Honour
My great uncle Carmelo Di Falco was one of five brothers, Salvatore, Giovanni, Emanuele and Giorgio (who was my grandfather and my mom, Giorgia’s father).
He was the only one, at the time, leaving Ibla in search of a place to call home.
Alone my great uncle took the journey to the New World leaving his wife and two sons behind in 1949. He found a job and after a couple of years, he was able to have his wife Emanuela (Nellie) Scrofani and two kids Joe and Tom joined him in Canada.
These brave hearts are the pioneers of the roots where I come from and to whom I feel thankful for. With my respect and gratitude, I had a plaque installed on Sobey Wall of Honor at the Museum in Halifax, NS in memory of their courage and spirit of greatness.
Tom is the only son of Carmelo Di Falco surviving. His memories are now also kept by the keen and generous daughter Jayne. She is one of Tom and Louise’s four children Richard, Steven and Susan. These relatives never returned to Ibla, as many did from my family because the great country, Canada made their souls happy as did their birthplace.
My great uncle Carmelo also sponsored his nephew Salvatore who came a couple of years later. Uncle Salvatore, who was one of my mom’s 7 siblings, in return sponsored my parents as well as another guy Giorgio Guastella who became my uncle by marrying my aunt Elena. So, my great uncle Carmelo, my uncle Salvatore, my mom Giorgia and two sisters Elena and Maria are the brave hearts of the Di Falco family that came to Canada.
Carmelo and Emanuela thoughts coming to Canada were:
Great excitement for a new home.
Great rewards favor the brave.
New land! Old dreams come to be.
Anticipating a better tomorrow.
Perhaps someday, one of our ancestors-to-come will stumble across these plaques and realize that they were brave souls that journeyed far from home to start a new and hopefully better life.
There are 3 more family commemorative plaques also located on the Sobey Wall of Honour:
The above information was put together by myself, Angela Maria (who’s great uncle was Carmelo) and Jayne (Tom’s daughter).