Passenger List Database

This search contains over 100,000 records, but is incomplete. If you would like help from our Scotiabank Family History Centre team, please use our research request forms.

Name Last Name Honorific Initials Departure Date Ship
Mr. J. Switzer Switzer Mr. J. Empress of Britain
Mrs. Switzer Switzer Mrs. Empress of Britain
Mr. H. Swoboda Swoboda Mr. H. Maasdam
Mrs. H. Swoboda Swoboda Mrs. H. Maasdam
herr Tim Swoen Swoen herr Tim Stavangerfjord
Mr. P. R. Swyer Swyer Mr. P. R. Samaria
Mrs. Swyer Swyer Mrs. Samaria
Miss S. G. Swyer Swyer Miss S. G. Samaria
Mr. Arie Swynenburg Swynenburg Mr. Arie Veendam
Mr. J. Sybenga Sybenga Mr. J. Ryndam