The Honorary Consulate of Lebanon • القنصليۃ الفخريۃ اللبنانيۃ

Wadih M. Fares Wall of Tribute



The Honorary Consulate of Lebanon plaque
Photo Caption
The Honorary Consulate of Lebanon
Photo Credit
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
The Honorary Consulate of Lebanon
القنصليۃ الفخريۃ اللبنانيۃ

-In honor of the Lebanese who landed at Pier 21-

We are the seeds of the tenacious plants, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind and are scattered. (G.K.Gibran)

- تکريما لذکرى اللبنانيين الذين وطأت أقدامھم الحوض الحادي و العشرين
The Honorary Consulate of Lebanon plaque
The Honorary Consulate of Lebanon