WO2 C. Earl Martell

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
WO2 C. Earl Martell
Second line inscription
Royal Canadian Air Force

During the Second World War, many young adults in rural Canada didn’t hesitate to sign up to serve their country. In small town Cape Breton, Earl Martell was too young to join his older brother in the war effort. Instead, he finished school and then headed to Halifax to build his future. In 1950, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Military Policeman and began going steady with Phylis. They married and were posted to a small RCAF base in France, participating in the post-war European Recovery Effort. They moved many times over their 30 years in the RCAF and raised six children along the way. After a happy life in the service, Earl and Phyl retired in 1980, spending the rest of their lives in Earl’s hometown. We are forever grateful to veterans like Earl who served Canada and secured our future. Thank you.

Veteran with military beret and medals stands in front of the Wall of Service,
A man in uniform poses for a portrait.