Sheelah Mary Coughlan

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
Sheelah Mary Coughlan
Second line inscription

War Bride and W. A. F.

My mother and my brother Christopher arrived in Halifax 1944 or possibly 1945. Pease were declared during her crossing. Chris was a baby so diapers etc. needed to be washed etc. Mom commented on how small her room was and of course she had to share. She mentioned how young mothers helped each other with babysitting so each could get a break. I did take my mother to Pier 21, and she commented "it sure has changed" since she went through with Chris. Two things to mention: 1) She and Chris had their first orange in a number of years 2) She could pack that display suitcase after I pulled everything out of it.

Mom and Dad were married 54 years and had nine children. Dad served in the Service Corp.

By Mrs. Carol MacDonald