Sgt. Reginald Norman Hillifer

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
Sgt. Reginald Norman Hillifer
Second line inscription

Royal Air Force

Years of service: 1939-1945

Medals Received: 5

My father was in the RAF in England and did Commando training. He was in 'blue group' and landed in Caan on 'D' day. He survived two plane crashes during the war and is very lucky to be alive.

After the war, England was in a devastated state and not a good place to raise children, so my father decided to immigrate to Canada. We left Liverpool on July 3, 1954 on the Franconia and arrived in Quebec City on July 11, 1954. It was an amazing trip but scary at the same time, not knowing where we were going to be living when we arrived. We decided to take the train to Toronto and my parents got a job the same day that we arrived and a wonderful gentleman by the name of Vic Campbell let us stay in his house as guests until we found a place to live. We were a family of five. He helped us find a place to live and life has been wonderful ever since. I will never forget Mr. Campbell, he was a Good Samaritan.

Last week (Sep. 27/08) we celebrated my Dad's 90th birthday. He is still in good health and lives in his own house, and I can't wait to show him his brick on the wall. We are very proud of him.

DeAnn Christie (daughter)