Sapper Clarence A. McKay

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
Sapper Clarence A. McKay
Second line inscription
2nd Battalion, R.C.E.

In war time all road signs are taken down - one Canadian soldier must have found some in Belguim and caned out these souvenirs.

Portrait of young Clarence, framed in bright colors with patches and the words Canada and RCE.
Older Clarence, holding medals, pins, shoulder badges, etc. dating from his war years.
Mining engineer Clarence A. McKay at the age of 86 with medals, shoulder pads, badges, pins and buttons and a pin brought back from Belgium.
Close-up of a richly decorated gold pin belonging to Clarence.
Old yellowed page from Canadian Soldier’s Pay Book.
Assortment of medals, pins, badges and shoulder badges belonging to Clarence.