Private Byron M. Delaney

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
Private Byron M. Delaney
Second line inscription

The West Nova Scotia Regiment

During a patrol in Italy, my husband, Byron Delaney, and his partner Encel Hennigar, were spotted by a group of German soldiers who opened fire on them. As they took refuge behind a tree, Encel was killed by a shot to the neck and Byron was struck by a bullet that destroyed his left knee.

As the German soldiers approached, he began to think that he would never see his home and loved ones again. This feeling intensified as a young German soldier raised his gun, aiming at Byro's face. As he steeled himself for the inevitable, an older German officer intervened, pushing the gun aside and crying "Nien, Nien!"

Byron lay out all that night and was picked up by a West Nova Scotia Regiment patrol the next morning. He was taken to a hospital in Naples where he spent several months before being sent home aboard the Lady Nelson

Edna Delaney (wife)