Capt. J. R. Iain MacArthur

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
Capt. J. R. Iain MacArthur
Second line inscription
3rd Medium Regiment, R C A

End of June 1942, I sailed on the Empress if Japan to Scotland. I was 23 at the time. The Empress was a cruise liner built to carry 1800 passengers. For this voyage, however, she carried some 6000 troops! It was so crowded I never did find my assigned lifeboat during the 7 day trip! Another memory was that I was appointed Duty Officer three times. The Sergeant and I spent most of the time in the dining room at the lowest level ensuring that all who came were at least fed!

Mid-June 1945, I returned to Canada on the hospital ship Letitia. I was 26 at the time. This was a memorable trip in several respects. The ship was painted entirely in white with large red crosses: outriggers carrying searchlights beamed on the red crosses on each side. We found this a little scary for, although the war was over, we heard that some U-boats still lurked. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the nights. The Nursing Sister gave me permission to sleep in the open on the top deck. With a pillow and a couple of blankets it was really a most pleasant trip. Of course the arrival at Pier 21 was the high point. I may have even shed a tear when I saw the signs reading "Thanks Canada. Welcome Home." A final memory was the food!! Such an assortment and such quantity.

Copy of a menu taken from the ship, Letitia, with headings of breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Letitia Menu