CPO Lawrence Lindsay Osborne

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
CPO Lawrence Lindsay Osborne
Second line inscription
Royal Canadian Nav

Lawrence Lindsay Osborne was born in Eastern Passage on December 27, 1911 to Thomas and Margaret (Faulkner) Osborne. He was a brother to Frank, Austin, Claire, Wilfred, Helen, Susan (aka Mannie), Jenny and Margaret. He was a veteran of World War II. He entered the war on September 8, 1942. He spent most of the war overseas on HMCS Edmunston, K 106 Corvette. He never spoke of what he saw during his time but did tell the story of having shredded wheat for Christmas dinner one year as the ship's supplies were low. He also said that while at sea, the ship was under the waves more than on top of the water. He was given several medals during his time and was presented with his service badge on September 8, 1945. He was discharged on November 2, 1945. He married the love of his life, Viola Carroll (whom he always called"Pal") on June 1, 1945. He had three children; Myrna (married Roger Lintaman), Shirley (married Garth Patterson) and Daniel. His family meant everything to him and he showed it every day. He had four grandchildren; Todd, Adam, Lauren and Heather and at the time of his death had two great grandchildren, Josh and Katie. He was deeply loved by his family. He enjoyed the family times at the cottage in Three Fathom Harbour. He was a long-time employee of Imperial Oil Limited in Dartmouth. Lawrence died at home on January 8, 2006 age 94.

A man in a uniform is wearing a long black coat and a cap, and is standing in front of tree.
Lawrence in his uniform
A young couple are standing in front of a house, she wears a nice dress and he is in uniform.
Wife Viola and Lawrence
Sailors and officers in uniforms sit and pose for the camera.
Lawrence and his ship mates
A model of a ship sits on a desk, K109 is written on it.
Model of Lawrence’s ship HMCS Edmundston, K 106, Corvette
A young couple stand next to a fireplace in wedding attire.
Viola and Lawrence on their wedding day, June 1, 1944
Here is a family portrait of a man and woman and their three adult children.
Daniel, Viola, Shirley, Myrna, Lawrence
A man and woman pose for a portrait-style photo.
Lawrence and wife Viola
A young couple are sitting with their children.
Back row left to right: grandson Todd, Lawrence, grandson Adam, Front row left to right: granddaughter Lauren, wife Viola, granddaughter Heather
A man stands proudly with an enormous bucket of lobsters.
Lawrence and his lobsters
A man stands on a beach next to a small wharf.
Lawrence at the cottage on Porter’s Lake, NS
A man sits in an armchair with a baby on his lap.
Lawrence and his great grandson Josh
An elderly man looks fondly at a cute little baby in his lap.
Lawrence and his great granddaughter Katie