CPO Howard W. Watkins

Wall of Service



First Line Inscription
CPO Howard W. Watkins
Second line inscription
Royal Canadian Navy

CPO Howard William Watkins

Feb. 10, 1915 - Oct. 29, 1997

Born in Digby, Nova Scotia.

Howard volunteered for service in the RCN on Oct. 3, 1940 at the age of 25 and received his commission of Sub. Lieutenant in 1942.

CPO Watkins' duties included a term as Secretary to Commander Roby at Stadacona Hfx. and at sea received his training on board Corvettes. He served on the HMCS Saskatoon, Venture, Cartier and the HMS Glory. He sailed on the Aquatania to Niobe Scotland and from there boarded the HMSGlory for duty in the Pacific. With the end of the war in the spring of 1945 CPO Watkins sailed home to Canada onboard the Ile De France and on Sept. 10, 1945 was discharged from the navy.

Portrait of young Howard in uniform and cap.