Velia Ida Bombino

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Velia Ida Bombino

Alumni Type: Immigrant
Country of Origin: Italy
Ship Name: SS Olympia
Port of Entry: Halifax
Date of Arrival: July 21, 1962
Age on Arrival: 25

In July of 1962 Velia said her goodbyes to her mother Maria, older sister Geltruda, younger brother Giovanni, family members, and friends. Accompanied by her father Michalle, she departed Grimaldi, Cosenza, Italy and traveled to the port city of Napoli. There the Greek Line ship SS Olympia awaited her embarkment.

After correcting some confusion regarding her passage ticket, which almost resulted in Velia not making the departure time, her father wished her well and she boarded the Olympia. Thus began her voyage across the ocean in search of a new and prosperous future in Canada.

Seven days later Velia arrived in Halifax harbour and Pier 21; a landed immigrant. After processing, she found her way aboard a train bound for Oshawa, Ontario to be reunited with her older brother Joseph and Rosina.

In the months and years following Velia's arrival in Oshawa and with the help of family and friends she found employment, met and married Anthony Scalia (deceased), started and raised a family. They were blessed with two sons, John (deceased) and Francis (Frank) and four grandchildren who are the light and love of her life.

Despite having been met with some adversities and challenges, Velia has remained a remarkably strong and adoring mother, mother-in-law and nonna. She continues to live life for her family and in return she continues to be a source of strength and inspiration to them and those who know her!

A young woman wearing a black dress with a white coat.
A young woman with her hair pinned back stands against a table and wears a checkered dress.
Several old documents, postcards and photos are pinned to a bulletin board with the title Velia's Journey 1962
A young married couple smile for the camera on their wedding day.
Open passports are attached to a clipboard.