Sarah Theresa Roberts

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Sarah Theresa Roberts

Sarah Theresa Roberts (Quinn) left her home in Wicklow County, Ireland to work in the factories during World War II. It was in London, England that she met her future husband, Thomas Roberts of New Brunswick, Canada. They married & were excited to welcome the arrival of their first daughter, Moira Audrey Mackay, who was born on D-Day in London. Sarah always spoke of walking to the hospital carrying her suitcase as the bombers flew overhead.

In May of 1946, Sarah, along with her first born, entered the sea for the long voyage to Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Sarah spoke of rough waters & a time when baby Moira fell out of her bunk to the floor with a thump & didn’t miss a wink of sleep.

Sarah & Moira eventually settled in Dalhousie Junction, New Brunswick reuniting with Tom who lived at his family homestead with his mother. Sarah & Tom proceeded to have four additional daughters: Diana, Lynn, Marcia & Marlaine.

Tom spent his post war days as a bus driver & driver for Gray’s Velvet Ice Cream. He lived out the remainder of his life in that same home overlooking the Chaleur Bay watching the train go by daily. Sarah enjoyed raising her five girls & having her ten grandchildren visit (Danny, Noel, Erin, Megan, Timothy, Shannon, Jeffery, Sarah, Eammon, Liam). Sarah enjoyed providing a feast for her family as the years passed by… there was never an open space on a plate, unlike her earlier years.

Sarah became affectionately known as “Babs” when she was just three years of age. Food was scarce & her parents were arguing over whom should have the last egg. While her parents tried selflessly to give it to each other, Sarah spoke up & exclaimed “the Babs shall have the egg!” & so she did.

It is with great respect that our family honour Sarah, for the life of dignity she lived & the difficult journey she overcame.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Bride and groom on their wedding day.
Wedding - Thomas Roberts & Sarah Quinn, married on April 23, 1943
A woman sits with a small child in her lap.
Sarah Roberts & baby Moira, who boarded the Queen Mary at age 1 yr &11 months
A woman wearing pearls and earrings sits for a passport photo.
Passport photo issued in 1946 of Sarah Theresa Roberts, immigrant from Ireland.