Pasquale Martinis

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Pasquale Martinis

Pasquale Martinis, “My Lucky Day” July 18 1956

My origin. I was born in the northern part of Italy, in the region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia.

I landed at Pier 21. The documentation was in order. I boarded the train on route to Toronto. Little did I know this would be the place that I would never leave.

On January 3rd 1956, I applied to the Canadian government. My mother bought me a suit and pajamas. I had to make sure that I had $120 in a traveller’s cheque, and $30 in cash. On July 8th, I boarded the boat “Roma” in Genoa. My sister and I were ready to leave home just like my other two brothers who went to Australia. We left my parents and my four siblings that were still in Italy.

I arrived at Union station in Toronto on July 20th at midnight. It was very strange to be in a foreign country, with a foreign language that I didn’t understand. With time, I put all my effort into learning English. I learned to manage myself and got my first job in a factory.

I got married to my wife Bianca five years later. The way of living in this country, was nothing I could ever imagine. I am proud to call myself a Canadian.

I have a beautiful family, blessed with three children and seven grandchildren. So, you know now, why I call it my lucky day. Thank you, Canada.

Black and white head shot photo of couple of people.
Black and white photo group of people sitting and standing in front of ship.
Nine family members standing on grass, with corn field in the background
This is my family in Italy. My two older brothers (3rd and 4th from the left), and my youngest brother (all the way to the left) beside me. They emigrated to Australia and I chose Canada.
Black and white photo of young man and woman, standing on a dirt road
In 1960, I met my wife Bianca.
Black and white photo of young bride and groom kneeling in a pew
In 1961, we got married.
Colourful family portrait of two sisters and a brother, well-dressed
These are our three children.
Colourful portrait of seven children, ranging in age from teenager to small baby
My children, blessed me with seven grandchildren.