Lorenzo Cosentino

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Lorenzo Cosentino
Second line inscription
Vincenza Pileggi

The Immigration Story of Lorenzo Cosentino (Italian immigrant)

Lorenzo left his town of San Nicola da Crissa, Calabria (Catanzaro) with several friends and relatives. They departed from Naples on June 14, 1951 on the ITALIA (Aquila). They arrived in Halifax (Pier 21) on June 26, 1951.

They all departed Halifax by train heading to Toronto where most started their lives. Lorenzo came to Canada to have a better life for his family since life was very hard in post war Southern Italy to raise a family.

After working in Toronto construction he headed up north to Kirkland Lake and Larder Lake to work in the mines to make a better pay. After two years of saving money and working hard, he called his wife Vincenza (Pileggi) Cosentino, his daughter Giulia and his son Francesco to join him in December, 1953.

Two sons were born, one in Kirkland Lake and the other in Larder Lake (Antonio and Nazareno). Due to the dangers of mining, a mine collapse occurred, Lorenzo and family headed to Toronto to raise their family. Their 5th child Marianna was born.

They lived and raised their family on Brock Avenue in Toronto for 55 years. Lorenzo Cosentino passed away on March 15, 2012 at the age of 92. He loved Italy but loved Canada more. He often told passersby’s, family and friends about the story of when “I came to Canada in 1951”. He was a proud Canadian. As my mother has said “Italy is my birth mother but Canada is my adopted mother”. “You have to love the one that raised you more.” My mother passed away on March 25, 2014 at the age of 86.

The Immigration Story of Vincenza Cosentino (Italian immigrant)

Vincenza (Pileggi) Cosentino and her children Giulia and Francesco Cosentino departed Naples, Italy on December 8, 1953 on the Conte Biancomano and arrived in Halifax Pier #21 on December 18, 1953.

There were a total of 20 friends and family members who departed from their village, San Nicola da Crissa, Catanzaro and shared this voyage to their new country.

The entire group boarded a train and headed towards Toronto and from that point they went in their different directions.

Vincenza and her children headed north to Kirkland Lake/Larder Lake to join her husband Lorenzo who was working in the mines as was many other relatives and friends.

In the late 1950's the family grew to 5 children and settled in Toronto area.

Relatives/Paesani who Arrived Together

The 20 paesani/relatives that left San Nicola da Crissa, Catanzao (V.V.) for the Port of Naples. On December 8, 1953 they departed from Naples on the Conte- Biancamano heading to Canada. They arrived in Halifax on December 18, 1953 at Pier 21. After which, they all boarded trains heading east to Toronto. Vincenza (Pileggi) Cosentino and her children Giulia and Francesco once arriving in Toronto took another train heading north to Lauder Lake to join her husband/father who was working in the mines.

The passengers were (They were grouped together because they were family members):


  • Bellissimo, Antonio
  • Bellissimo, Marta
  • Carnovale, Francesco and Giuseppe
  • Carnovale, Maria Teresa
  • Cina, Marianna
  • Cosentino (Pileggi) Vincenza, Giulia and Francesco
  • Galati, Giuseppe and Michele
  • Galloro, Nicola and Antonio
  • Iori, Nicola and Rafele
  • Lavecchia, Giuseppe
  • Mazze, Rafele
  • Morano, Nicola
  • Perri, Vito
  • Tetti, Tomaso


Submitted by M. Cosentino

Old passport showing man's photo and Italian writing.
Archival photograph of a woman and her daughter, dated 1950.
Archival photograph of a woman seated in a chair with a toddler in her lap and a young girl standing next to her.
Old passport showing woman and two small children and Italian writing.
Family plot in a cemetery with big tombstone and lots of trees in the background.
A memorial card for Vicenza Cosentino with her photo and the dates September 26, 1928 to March 25, 2014.
A memorial card for Lorenzo Cosentino with his photo and the dates February 28, 1920 to March 15, 2012.
Statue of a religious figure with the name San Nicola.
Scene from a cobbled street in Italy showing an old water fountain.
Faded travel document with Home Lines written at the top in blue.
Faded travel document with lots of Italian writing and amounts in Italian currency
Two old faded photographs of the Conte Biancamano and the Italia