Jack Jakob Samchyk

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Jack Jakob Samchyk
Second line inscription
and Family

Alumni Type: Immigrant
Country of Origin: Ukraine
Ship Name: Andania
Port of Entry: Halifax
Date of Arrival: June 4, 1928
Age on Arrival: 17

Jack Jakob Samchyk & Family

Our plaque is in honour of our father, Jack Jakob Samchyk.

In May 1928, Isaak & Uliana Samchyk sold all their possessions and left the Ukraine with their three sons to start a new life in Canada. What a courageous family!

They boarded the ship Andania II and sailed from Liverpool and arrived in Halifax on June 4, 1928. From there, they made their way as a family to Rama, Saskatchewan to start their new life. With the money they had, they were able to buy a small farm. As the three sons got older, it became evident that they would not be able to support the entire family by farming.

In June 1937, Jack and his younger brother rode the freight trains (no money for seats) and landed in Sudbury, Ontario. It was there that both brothers became miners. Jack spent his life working underground for INCO.

Jack married the love of his life and he and Gladys had two children, Nancy and Jack Jr. As Jack did not have the opportunity or means to get an education, it was important that his two children did. One of his greatest joys was watching his children graduate and enjoy wonderful careers in their prospective fields.

To us, our father Jack was brave, intelligent, hardworking and kind.