Brodowycz Natalia Wasyl

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Brodowycz Natalia Wasyl
Second line inscription
Halia Orysia

On June 10, 1949, Natalia and Wasyl Brodowycz arrived at Pier 21, Halifax, on the SS Nea Hellas, with their two daughters Halia and Orysia. They travelled on to Montreal, where they settled and in 1950 had another daughter, Myroslava

Natalia and Wasyl became Canadian citizens in 1959.

They both worked until retirement age, and were active volunteers in the Ukrainian Canadian community.

Wasyl passed away in 1993 at the age of 81; Natalia passed away in 2017 at the age of 104.

Immigration identification card on a yellow paper with two stamps, name of passenger Brodowycz Natalia and name of ship.
Immigration identification card on a yellow paper with two stamps, name of passenger Brodowycz Wasyl and name of ship.
Old yellow DP Index Card in the name of Natalia Brodowycz.
Old yellow DP Index Card in the name of Wasyl Brodowycz
A yellow luggage tag for Natalia with the stamp of S/S Nea Hellas and number 92.
A yellow tag for Wasyl with the stamp of S/S Nea Hellas and number 91.
Old yellow paper of Admission to Canada of Immigrants with the details of the applicant.
Second page of the old yellow paper of Admission to Canada of Immigrants with a signature at the bottom.