Augusto, Maria and Ugo Chiodo

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Augusto, Maria and Ugo Chiodo

Augusto (affectionately known as Luigi) Chiodo immigrated to Canada in 1960, two months after the birth of his first child, Ugo. His wife, Maria, remained in Italy with their young son while her husband settled across the ocean in Canada and paved the way for their eventual reunion.

In February of 1962, Maria and Ugo boarded the Olympia to leave Italy for their voyage to a new life in Canada with their husband and father. Following their arrival, they boarded a train to Oshawa, Ontario where they we greeted by Augusto and where they were blessed with two more children, Pina and Frank over the next couple of years. The family has lived in Oshawa ever since and Maria and Luigi are proud Nonno and Nonna to six grandchildren.

A man stands in front of a display that holds his photo from 51 years ago.
Ugo posing in front of display photo taken 51 years ago when he arrived in Halifax with his mother
Four young adults are posing for the camera.
Ugo with his sister, Pina, brother-in-law, Tom, and wife, Cathy.