Antonio e Annunziata

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Antonio e Annunziata
Second line inscription

Antonio landed at Pier 21 in Halifax aboard the M.S. Saturnia on March 7, 1952. He was a twenty-six year old father of two children. He had hopes and dreams of a better life for himself, wife and children in Canada. He managed to save enough money to bring his family to join him.

Annunziata Mammoliti arrived on the Conte Biancomano on July 25, 1954, along with her children; Pasqualina age three and Catherina age two, also at Pier 21. She travelled on her own with the same hope and determination as her husband to make a better life for themselves and their children. Annunziata and Antonio bought their first and only home six months later in 1958. It was a transitional home for many family members making their way to Canada in the early years.

They made a wonderful life for themselves and their children adding three more boys in the years to come. They were proud to become Citizens of Canada. With sacrifice and love for their new country they built a wonderful and peaceful life.

Old photo of beautiful lady with two kids.
Pasqualina - 3 yrs; my mother Annunziata and sister Caterina - 18 Months