Antonietta Sarracino

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Antonietta Sarracino

Alumni Type: Immigrant
Country of Origin: Italy (Ururi Campobasso)
Ship Name: Vulcania
Port of Entry: Halifax
Date of Arrival: Monday, December 24, 1951
Age on Arrival: 20

Our mother was born in Italy, in 1931. She died October 31, 2021, at the age of 90, in Montreal. She was the eldest of three siblings. She came from Ururi, a small village in the central south of Italy. During the Second World War, her village was invaded by the Germans. Our mother and her family had to hide in the countryside for several days to flee the Germans. In the afterwar period, the centre-south and southern areas of Italy were especially hit by the war. Those who had the opportunity to do so would decide to emigrate. Our mother’s parents forced her to come to Canada and marry a cousin. It was an arranged marriage. She lived her entire adult life in Canada. By settling in Canada, she was a pioneer; the rest of the family and relatives followed afterwards. In fact, their goal was to seek a better life for their family in North America.

Professional portrait of a young woman with black hair and wearing a pearl necklace.
Photo of my mother taken in Italy a few months before she left for Canada. She was 20 years old.
Old travel document with Italian writing on it.
Boarding visa in Naples on the Vulcania, December 14, 1951.
Old travel document with a stamp reading Immigration Canada Halifax NS.
Immigrant visa received in Halifax, December 24, 1951