Vera Maude Swinnerton DeViller

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Vera Maude Swinnerton DeViller

Lester DeVillier left for WWII in 1940 to serve with the 7th Canadian General Hospital and later with the 7th Field Dressing Station. He met and ultimately fell in love with and married Vera DeViller, Vera a native of Birmingham England was serving in the British Army (ATS Division) during the war years, Lester returned to Canada in 1945 and Vera followed 18 months later in early May 1947.

Vera had the opportunity to travel to Canada on an earlier crossing as an unexpected berth became available on the troop ship "Lady Nelson". She had volunteered to assist with the injured soldiers, but unfortunately succumbed to horrific sea sickness and ended up needing assistance- and it is rumored she fared worse than some of the patients!

Lester met Vera at Pier 21, after a night in Halifax and retrieving her luggage, they left for Yarmouth to start her new life there. May 199, marked their 55th wedding anniversary. They have five sons and three grandchildren