The Rene Soontiens Family

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
The Rene Soontiens Family

I am the youngest son of the Rene Soontiens Family. I visited Pier 21 for the 75 Year Anniversary celebrations. I was born in the town of Bladel, Noord Brabant, Holland. I immigrated with my Dad and Mom (Rene & Johanna Soontiens) and three older brothers around June, 1953, at the age of 3. My Dad & Mum were 39 years old. My oldest brother John was 9, Joe 7, and Gerard 6. We sailed out of Rotterdam to Halifax in the reconditioned navy vessel the "Zuiderkruis". I was told it was a rough voyage and that many were sea sick. We never got sea sick, but my brother Joe developed mumps and we were put in quarenteen for some time on arrival at Pier 21.

I met another Soontiens Family in 2003 in Halifax. We are distant cousins. I believe our great Grand Fathers were brothers.

Photos of family members taped to a piece of paper.
Rene Soontiens Family
Young men and children standing on a ship and waving.
Rene Soontiens Family