Sylvia M. Macdonald

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Sylvia M. Macdonald

Second line inscription
son Alastair D.

I, with my two years old son Alastair Douglas arrived at Pier 21 in June 1946. We were aboard the Queen Mary with many "War Brides" and their children. Each of us was met by a serviceman, who picked up my 2 years old and a Red Cross worker who carried my cabin baggage. They knew where to find my husband Alastair Edwin in the building that is full of people waiting to meet us. AD put out his arm for his daddy to take him with his other arm around me we were together after a year of waiting. I had two more boys John Bellamy and Robert Gray, and as Prime Minster Mackenzie king had said on board that he hoped our children would enjoy being Canadian Citizens.