Stanley, Martha, Gloria, Janet Jones

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Stanley, Martha, Gloria, Janet Jones

My father Stanley Clifford Jones, then age 40 years, and my mother Martha Jones, 33 years, with myself Gloria Jones, age 9 years and my sister Janet Jones, age 7 years, left Liverpool England and arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on January 17, 1954. We had lived in South End on Sea and then Colchester Essex before coming to Canada.

The ship that we traveled on was the RMS Scythia of the Cunard Line. During our voyage we stopped in Cork, Ireland before traveling on to Halifax. The ship would then be proceeding on to New York City. During the voyage, after several days of sailing, we encountered a terrible hurricane, which caused it to arrive in Halifax one day later than scheduled. My father, a British Naval Officer from WWII, stated that the Captain of the Scythia never left the bridge during this terrible storm and the ship was only traveling at 6 knots. The waves were so high; the propellers scudded out of the water. Many guests and crew were seasick during the storm and meals and dances had to be cancelled. As a child I didn't realize that the weather conditions were so serious and my sister and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie cinema.

Although my father passed away almost 20 years ago, my mother will celebrate her 80th birthday this month in Victoria, BC. In recognition of this special occasion my sister and I purchased a wall brick complete with inscription to commemorate the Jones family arrival in Canada.

Woman seated with two children on deck chairs aboard the ship, Scythia.
Martha, Gloria & Janet aboard the Scythia, January 1954
Woman with two children standing against railing of ship, Scythia.
Martha, Gloria & Janet aboard the Scythia, January 1954