Stan and Chris Flynn

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Stan and Chris Flynn

Stan Flynn volunteered for the Canadian Army in 1940 in Ottawa. In February 1941, he left from Halifax at Pier 21 with his regiment on board the ship "Orontes" bound for Europe. They disembarked in Scotland where he was stationed until September 1944. From there, they went to France, then Belgium, Holland and, finally, Germany where they were stationed on V.E. Day, 1945. He was repatriated to Canada in August 1945 on the ship, "Louis Pasteur" arriving in Quebec City, from thence to Kemptville, Ontario, his hometown.

While in Scotland, he met and married Chris Ross who served in the British NAAFI from January 1940 to November 1944. Chris arrived in Halifax at Pier 21, on June 14, 1946, on board the Queen Mary accompanied by her infant son. She was bound for Kemptville, Ontario, to join her husband. There they farmed for 41 years, along the Rideau River, just south of Ottawa. They are the parents of two daughters born in Canada, as well as their son born in Scotland.

Now retired to the town of Kemptville, they are still active in the community and enjoying good health.