Nikolaos Tsoporis

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Nikolaos Tsoporis

Born on May 1, 1929 in Kalloni Greece, my father was the second eldest of five children. He had a difficult life growing up, especially when his father passed away when he was only fourteen years old. As a result, he and his older brother had to help their mother support the family both financially and emotionally. After enduring the Nazi occupation of Greece and civil strife, my father met the love of his life and, after a short courtship, married my mother in March 1959. In December, my father and mother welcomed the birth of my brother (Jim).

Seeking a better life for his family, my father set sail for Canada on October 15, 1960 leaving my mother and his son. After a nine-day journey aboard the SS Queen Frederica, my father arrived in Halifax at Pier 21 on October 24, 1960. Despite his inability to speak English, he cleared immigration and immediately jumped on a train bound for Ottawa with a little less then $10.00 in his pocket.

After working day and night in an assortment of jobs, my father had saved enough money and sent for my mother. Leaving my brother behind to be raised by his grandmother, my mother flew to Canada in 1962 to join my father who had relocated to Toronto.

My father and mother welcomed the birth of my sister (Patricia) in 1963. It was not until 1967 that my brother flew to Canada to meet his new sister and his father. In 1972, I joined the family.

My father worked very hard, often in multiple jobs, to ensure a better life for his family. He instilled the belief and value of hard work and educational achievement in his children. His perseverance paid off as he and my mother raised three successful children.

However, my father's greatest accomplishment in life was achieved when he became a grandfather upon the birth of my son, Nicholas, on October 7, 2005. Unfortunately, my father's dream of seeing his grandchildren (my other son, Christopher William, was born on July 23, 2007) grow up was cut short on December 1, 2005 when he suddenly and unexpectedly left our lives.

His legacy and memory will live on forever.

Travel document indicating National Hellenic American Lines.
Nikolaos' travel contract
Canadian Immigration Identification Card of Nikolas Tsoporis.
Nikolaos Immigration ID
Nikolas dressed as a white cook, standing in front of a sink and kitchen utensils.
Nikolaos working in the kitchen
The young Nikolas in uniform, a beret on his head and wearing a mustache.
Nikolaos in uniform
Color photograph of older Nikolas, preparing to play pool.
Nikolaos playing pool