Nikolajs Dambergs

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Nikolajs Dambergs

Nikolajs Dambergs brought his family to Canada as a final flight from the oppressive powers of World War II. He brought with him his mother Emilija, his wife Mirdza (Mme Dambergs of Halifax ballet fame) and three children.

In Halifax he found the freedom and peace which was stolen from him in his youth in Latvia. He had survived the traumas of the Russian Revolution, and the First and Second World Wars. He had seen his grandparents and parents' wealth and careers destroyed time and time again. Nik, himself had achieved personal success in Latvia, as CEO of one of the largest textile companies in the Baltic area (Riga's Audums). But with the Russian occupation of Latvia, in the last months of the Second World War, he found himself among many of the hundreds of thousands who fled Soviet oppression, oppression which for him would have meant certain death.

His route to final refuge in Halifax took him through DP camps in Germany and then to France. His earlier choice to become educated at Nancy in France (Analytical Chemistry) proved to be a blessing. In France he was able to re-establish his life and career as a chemist with the well renowned French Pechiney Company. He had hoped to be able to remain in France until the liberation of Latvia, but this was not to be. While his life in France was pleasant and successful, the threats from Moscow to his person and to his family continued. These threats became serious enough in 1953, that he decided that he must try to put the Atlantic Ocean between himself and those who perceived him as a threat to themselves and their regime.

In February of 1954, Nik made Halifax his final place of refuge. In Nova Scotia he found the peaceful life he wished to have in Latvia. He established a new career as a research chemist with the Fisheries Research Board. He rebuilt his home here and provided shelter and support for his family. Here he was able to help his ballerina wife (Mirdza Grikis Dambergs of the Mme. Dambergs School of Ballet) establish a long and successful career in Halifax. He was able to exercise his love of ballet, music and art by assisting in producing the many performances put on by the Mme. Dambergs School of Ballet. In Halifax Nik and Mirdza found peace and joy and built a wonderful life for their family.