Nicola and Mario Covelli Families

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Nicola and Mario Covelli Families

The Covelli Family

Nicola Covelli arrived on October 21, 1951 on the Argentia to Pier 21, destination Toronto. He was the first family member to immigrate.

Mario Covelli: his son, travelled alone aboard the Conte Biancamano arriving at age 15 on May 9, 1953 to rejoin his Papa.

Adelina Covelli and two other children: Arrived aboard the Queen Frederica at Pier 21 on April 17, 1956.

The family separated in 1951 and rejoined through Pier 21 in 1956.

On October 21, 2000, 49 years to the very day that our first kinsfolk, Nicola Covelli, arrived at Pier 21 to celebrate his arrival. We were deeply moved by this re-creation and the wonderfully, moving story line; well done. How wonderful it would be to have more written storylines of the new journey to this land, and the struggles within this new country, and the success stories. For example, Mario Covelli, age 15, upon arrival, was put to work immediately. Today he is a proud Papa who came to this country with nothing and worked hard to achieve a better life for his family. His son is a successful business man with three degrees, having the choice of studying abroad in England, Switzerland, and Italy; who would have thought this would be. When Mario arrived, he was 15; his son would enter university at a young age of 17; his daughter would get two degrees and become an admired teacher - and his wife would be a native Nova Scotian.

On my side: My grandparents and great grandparents came to Pier 21 from Ireland and Wales; my father left Pier 21 as a soldier of WWII; his return was a victory in itself: he participated in D-Day Normandy invasion; he was captured on D-Day Plus One; he saw comrades murdered (not killed) at the Abbey, and he was a POW for 11 months and worked the gas chambers while threatened with death: WHAT A JOY TO SEE PIER 21 AGAIN! My mother was a war bride and my sister as an infant, arrived at Pier 21.

Thank you for re-creating the incredible journey and continue to add anecdotes, letters of experiences and photos.

Respectfully, Lori Covelli, Mario's wife