Nazary Kiperczuk

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Nazary Kiperczuk

Alumni Type: Immigrant
Country of Origin: Ukraine via Poland
Ship Name: Estonia
Port of Entry: Pier 21, Halifax
Date of Arrival: August 28, 1928
Age of Arrival: 5

The Kiperczuks (mother Darja, father Lukjan, sisters Matrona and Natalja, and brother Nazary) began their Canadian journey on August 14, 1928 when they boarded the Baltic American ship Estonia in Danzig, Poland. They arrived at Pier 21 twelve days later. Once processed by Canadian immigration, the Kiperczuks set out for Quebec, where their family expanded. The surname was anglicized (Kiperchuk), and the details of their journey were lost to time.

Nazary Kiperczuk (my grandfather) was five-years-old when he arrived in Canada. He never once mentioned his journey from the Old Country to his wife, children, or grandkids. His entry to Canada was shrouded in mystery until 2007 when, five years after his death, I visited Pier 21 during a trip to Halifax and, thanks to the team in the Pier 21 research department, unearthed my family's lost history (which included the non-anglicized version of the last name).

The Kiperczuk family is grateful to Pier 21 for preserving and celebrating Canada's immigration history, and for affording us the opportunity to connect anew with our dearly departed.

Sabrina Furminger (granddaughter)

Family portrait with mother and father seated, three adult children standing behind.
The Kiperczuk Family serveral years after their arrival in Canada. From row, left to right: Darja and Lukjan. Back row, left to right: Matrona, Nazary and Natalja
Young man in overcoat and sailor's cap.
Nazary Kiperczuk served in the Royal Canadian Navy during the Second World War. Military records reveal that Nazary spent several months in Halifax during the war. It is possible he returned to Pier 21 during this time