Michele e Concetta Fusillo

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Michele e Concetta Fusillo

Alumni Type: Immigrants
Country of Origin: Italy
Ship Name: Conte Biancamano - Concetta; Vulcania - Michele
Port of Entry: Pier 21, Halifax
Date of Arrival: September 23, 1951 - Concetta; June 12, 1954 - Michele
Age on Arrival: 26 - Concetta; 23 - Michele

Born in the south eastern community of Carpino, Foggia, Concetta Faiella immigrated to join her family in Niagara Falls, Canada on September 23, 1951, at the age of 26. A few years later, she married Michele Fusillo who joined her in June 13, 1954, at the age of 23. Both arrived with a willingness to work as they had a few dollars in their pockets. Concetta used her skills as a seamstress to land her first job making alterations. Michele travelled to Windsor and Toronto working on construction sites, digging and constructing tunnels until his brother's death, age 23, at the Hogg's Hollow Disaster in Toronto on March 17, 1960. This event was the catalyst for life-saving changes to Ontario's labour laws.

We thank our parents for their courage of love. We want to acknowledge and thank them for taking the risks they did to come to a new country, not knowing the language, not having work and not knowing the Canadian landscape. The came from a warmer year round climate, unprepared to live in cold, snowy and icy winter conditions. When they eventually found work, they sacrificed with the many shifts they worked. Our parents saved their money and provided us with a better life than they had. Over time, despite our family tragedy at Hogg's Hollow, and overcoming the magnitude of their diversities, their dream of having and giving us a life with a good education and opportunities has prevailed. We are fortunate to have parents who worked so hard to make ends meet, soldiered through stress and struggles. We respect their courage and persistence to get ahead along with their positive motivation to triumph over poverty. We have a great deal to learn from their character and experiences. Their legacy will live on. My parents have three children, Connie, Lucia and Frank. We thank our parents for their love and the life they have given us.

My parents are on the documentary on Pier 21. They are proud of their Italian heritage and proud of belonging to Canada. They are ever grateful to be Canadian citizens and feel they are part of the Canadian mosaic of citizens who have contributed to the development and prosperity of our country.