Marinus Enders

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Marinus Enders
Second line inscription
Elske Tuinstra-Enders

On July 16, 1952 my family left Rotterdam Netherlands on the ship "Grote Beer" to a new life in Canada. Mom (Elske), Dad (Marinus), my four brothers and I slept in one hut with 3 bunk beds and a crib. It was crowded. Many people were seasick including my mother.

On July 24th, our first sight of Canada was Pier21 in Halifax, where we first stepped foot on Canadian soil. The Gray nuns were right there to greet us.

Later that day we all boarded the train for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It was a very long trip across Canada, many stops along the way. At most stops, my father would get off to purchase food or drinks for the family as there were no dining facilities on board. On July 28 we arrived in Saskatoon on my father's birthday. This was to be our new home.

We all really liked Saskatoon. The people were good to us and we made many friends. Here my mothers gave birth to another son in 1953 at the age of almost 49, a bit of a surprise to all. My father had an accident at work and lost an eye around the time that we were building our own home.

In 1957 I married an immigrant from Holland and we moved to Ontario where his family had moved a few years before. In 1960 my parents sold their home and also moved to Ontario. They settled in Guelph. They had a serious accident in 1962 which was just another setback for them. But they always liked living in Canada. They were not young when they immigrated and both left all their family behind and still never were sorry they came. They wanted a better life for their children.

Both my parents are gone now but we as a family would like to place a plaque at Pier 21 to commemorate their courage to start in a new land with a new language. Their children and grandchildren and generations to come should know what they sacrificed to bring us to this wonderful county called Canada.

The oldest of the boys David (Douwe) now lives in B.C. is retired from Navy, married to a Dutch girl, has three children and three grandchildren.

The next brother Marinus lives in Alberta, is retired from the Edmonton Fire Department, is married, and has three sons and four grandchildren.

Harry is an electrician for the city of Guilph, is married, and has two Children. Sietze is married, works for Toyota, lives in Guelph and has three children.

John the youngest (born in Canada) is an electrician for the Board of Education, has two sons and is married and living in Guelph also.

My husband Evert and I live north of Guelph in the country, are retired and enjoyed our three children and four grandchildren.

Life has not always been easy, we have had to work hard to get where we are, but there are no regrets. We love Canada, we are thankful to our parents for having courage to start over in a new land and we are grateful that Canada welcomed us with open arms.

On behalf of my brothers and myself, Thank you.

By Jenny (Jansje) Enders-Meulenbelt Rothsay, Ontario