Margaret Nagy and Son David

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Margaret Nagy and Son David

Several War Brides set sail with their children from Southampton, England at the beginning of November 1946. The ship we sailed on was called the Lady Rodney and we were all traveling to Halifax, Canada to join our Canadian husbands whom we had met during World War II.

The voyage was quite calm, and after seven days we arrived at the port of Halifax. Most of us had to travel to towns and cities farther west - this meant a journey on the train.

As we disembarked, walking down the gang plank, I was carrying my five month old son, David. Immediately when I reached dry land, a tall Canadian soldier came up to me, and took David from me, and started walking towards a big train which was bound for Montreal. I had a hard time keeping up with the handsome soldier and my baby son; however, when I reached the train, the soldier handed me my baby, and helped me onto the train.

I thanked him and thought what a wonderful welcome - service men helping the wives of fellow service men.