Margaret Felteau

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Margaret Felteau
Second line inscription
Dawn and Virginia

I spent the whole voyage from Liverpool to Halifax in the ship's hospital with pneumonia, while my two daughters were looked after by the wonderful staff. Arriving in Ottawa as a war bride, it didn't take long for me to realise that I had married an alcoholic. However, with no alternative but to keep going, I managed to raise six wonderful children, three girls and three boys, and survived twenty seven difficult years before my husband eventually died.

I now have eighteen grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. I remarried and my husband and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary on January 4, 2003. I love this country dearly (don't always like the politicians!) and have few regrets. Somehow, I have always believed that if one works hard, (I was a nurse), and lives the way our parents taught us, the Good Lord guides and takes care of us. It certainly worked for me.

My husband took this picture of me, with daughters Dawn and Virginia on Mothers Day, May 12, 2002.

Margaret Mew (Felteau)

Older woman with younger daughter on either side.