Louw Griet Netty Bob Karel

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Louw Griet Netty Bob Karel
Second line inscription

Alumni Type: Immigrants
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Ship Name: Groote Beer
Port of Entry: Halifax
Date of Arrival: April 11, 1956

Photographs showing the family, the Banff bus station, a packing box and an ID card.
Griet and Louw de Vries with Karel, Bob & Netty (Jeannette); Netty and Bob at the Banff Station, on the immigrant train from Halifax to Vancouver; Arrival of furniture and possessions in crates on May 23, 1956; immigrant card
Colour photograph showing six adult family members, sitting on a patio.
A family photo taken in August 2006. The family welcomed a fourth child, Paul, a few years after immigration
Man and woman pointing to a plaque on the Wall of Honour at Pier 21.
A picture of Bob and Netty (Jeannette) visiting Pier 21 in September, 2006 during the 50th Anniversary year of our family's arrival.