Johan and H. Maria Bennenbroek Maas

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Johan and H. Maria Bennenbroek Maas

Johan and Maria (Bennenbroek) Maas arrived at Pier 21 on May 1st, 1956 as newly weds on the Ryndam after 10 days on the ocean. Dad would joke that they came on their 25-year honeymoon before dad was able to return to Holland. Mom took several trips back to Holland in the time.

There were many letters sent back and forth to Holland to stay in touch with family and friends. They had eight children Toni, Josie, Joanne, Frank, Maria, Petra, Elizabeth and Joseph. They lived in Afton, NS for a bit, moved to Lakevale, NS and finally settled in May 1957 in Marydale, NS where they purchased a farm. They had decided to come to Canada with the hope of owning their own farm. Many relatives came from Holland to visit us at the Maas farm. One of the favorite places to take visitors was the Cabot Trail. Mom & dad traveled throughout the world including a 6 week trip to Australia. As we all graduated from high school, our parents sent us to Holland on vacation. We stayed with many family members and made the life long connection with family even though we were on another continent. Facebook now allows us to "see" more of each other despite the distance. Mom & dad gave us all the opportunity to continue on to further education and careers. Along came 21 grandchildren and the addition of a growing number of great grandchildren.

They came to Canada and made a difference. Dad left us October 28th, 2013 and mom March 30th, 2016 just in time to be reunited for their 60th anniversary on April 10th. They lived a full life and were very involved in the community of St. Andrew's as 4-H leaders for many years, St. Andrew's Parish, Seniors Oak & Owl Club, St. Andrew's and District Community Centre, Knights of Columbus for dad and the St. Andrew's CWL for mom. They are missed by not only us but many in the community.