Jeannette A. Holm

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Jeannette A. Holm

I was one of thousands of British War Brides who arrived at the Pier. Having left Southampton on the ship "Aquitania", I disembarked in Halifax on May 1st, 1946. I can remember the band on shore playing "Here comes the bride". And the kind welcome we received.

Canada has been good to me. Although, I was very homesick, having grown up in Brighton, Sussex, an only child and finding myself on a farm, in Manitoba, without running water or electricity! But my parents -in-law, born of hardy Icelandic immigrants, welcomed me, as did the rest of the community I lived in. I had a wonderful husband with whom I had three sons.

The years seem to have flown and I have not returned to Nova Scotia, but maybe I will in the near future.