Jean Alice Walker Smith

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Jean Alice Walker Smith

This is a basic story of my life. I was born Jean Alice Walker, in a town called Gravesend, Kent, England, east of London on south side of Thames River. My mother was Lily Barrett and father was Victor Walker. A little trivia about this town: right across from the hospital where I was born is a cemetery in the grounds of St. George's Church and this is where Pocahontas is buried. She died in the hospital where I was born, in 1617. I was born many years later on June 25, 1941.

I had four brothers, oldest Victor, Jim, Ron and Bryan. Two brothers, Jim and Ron were evacuated to Devon during the war for two years.

In 1949, Mom and Dad decided to immigrate to Canada. My Mother had a sister in Toronto. Dad's intentions were to visit Canada then go on to Australia, but Mom did not agree. She wanted to stay in Canada. So all seven of us packed up and left from Southampton, England for Halifax, N.S. September 13, 1949 on the last voyage for the Aquitania. I remember it quite well, she was a beautiful ship. I can see why they called it The Beautiful.

We arrived at Pier 21 on September 19 in the fog. The ship had to go around and around because she could not dock until the fog lifted. We went through Pier 21 then across catwalk to the customs building. This is where we started our new life. The things that were very vivid in my mind as an eight and half year old were all the train tracks and bustle and bustle of people getting their luggage together. Then we were on our way to Toronto, my brother Bryan and I glued to the window of the train. We had berths on the train. That was exciting too, to sleep on a train.

We arrived in Toronto on September 20 and our new cousins were waiting for us. The next day they took us to Niagara Falls for the day.

We stayed a month in Toronto then Dad found work with his trade radio technician in Ajax, Ontario. Then my parents bought a house there and the three older boys found work. Bryan and I went to school in Ajax.

Then in 1960 I met the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. His name was Austin Smith, born in Sackville, N.B. We were married in Ajax, June 9th, 1962. We had two wonderful children; a boy Terry and a girl Lorianne, both born in Ajax. Then the family tree grew. Terry married Mary Ellen Russell and had three wonderful grandchildren for us; Kaleigh, Patrick and Rebecca all born in Oshawa, Ontario. Lorianne married Steve Phinney and gave us four more wonderful grandchildren; Kristina, Brandon, Kara, and Lauren. Now we have one beautiful great granddaughter, Emma Lynn, born February 11, 2008. Her parents Kristina and Matt Williams live in Oshawa. The 47 years of our married life has been very rewarding and hope we have many more years to spend with our family.

I would like to dedicate my story in memory of my Mother and Father and also my brothers. Vic passed away at age 56, Jim passed away at age 70 and Ron passed away at age 61. They are greatly missed and will always be with Bryan and myself.

Love to all,

Jean A. Walker Smith

Old black and white photo of small baby in white.
First photo taken of Jean - 1941
Young girl with big white bow in hair.
Jean's school photo
Baby in pram with stuffed animal.
Jean when she was 1 year old
Old, black and white family photo.
Jean and some of her family in England
Old photo showing large group of smiling children.
Street party in England to celebrate the end of the war
Three young boys in suit jackets, middle boy showing thumbs up.
Jean's brothers Vic, Jim & Ron in England
Little girl with bow in hair pushing baby doll in pram.
Jean with a Royal Pram in England - 1945
Older Jean, donating her baby pram to Pier 21.
Jean donating the Royal Pram to Pier 21 - June 16, 2009
Bride and groom with parents on either side.
Jean & Austin's wedding day - 1962
Recent coloured family photo with children in front and adults in back.
Jean & Austin's 40th wedding anniversary
Young children and teenagers seated on couch.
Jean's grandchildren
Christmas portrait of young man and woman, with baby in red Santa's cap.
Jean's great-granddaughter Emma
Two women and a man seated at a table.
Great, Jean & Bryan