Filippo Trento

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Filippo Trento

At age 21, Filippo Trento left Trieste, Italy bound for Halifax, Canada. He arrived at Pier 21 on March 21st, 1957 aboard the Saturnia. He left his entire family - 4 sisters, 2 brothers and his father to seek a better life in Canada. He did not know if he would ever see his family again. The journey across the Atlantic was both exciting and scary. A new life in a new country. He could not speak any English, which only led to anxiety. The unknown was overwhelming.

Upon arrival at Pier 21, Filippo was issued his papers and was sent by train to Union Station in Toronto, Ontario. From here, he was picked up by his work placement. His work placement was a mushroom plant located in Milton, Ontario. Over the years, Filippo worked for a number of factories in Milton until he retired at age 65.

Filippo married Eileen Massey from Acton, Ontario and they had 3 children, Sergio, Vittorio and Katherine. Filippo also has 4 grandchildren, Gary and Krystal Power and Laura and Jennifer Trento. Filippo still lives in Milton with his family.

Filippo has been fortunate enough to have been able to return to Italy a few times over the years to visit his family he left 50 years ago.

Full-length portrait of older Filippo and his wife.
Family portrait: Filippo and his wife sitting, children and grandchildren sitting and standing behind them.