Ellen D. B. Tinney

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Ellen D. B. Tinney

I arrived at Pier 21 on the beautiful Aquitania on March 23rd of 1946. The Aquitania was made into a troopship and rigged with many extra bunk beds. Many girls were very seasick on the voyage over. I was one of the lucky ones and was able to help with the children and babies. The food was excellent and a real treat after many years of rationing.

I remember coming into Pier 21 in Halifax. The surroundings were very grey and drab, but on a platform was a silver band playing 'The Maple Leaf Forever'. We had wonderful Red Cross Ladies there to guide us on which train to take, as some warbrides were going out west and many of us going to Montreal and me to Belleville.

At Belleville, my husband met me after a whole year without seeing him. It was strange to see him for the first time in civilian clothes, but when he took off his trilby hat and I saw his curly red hair, I know it was my Vic.

We eventually settled in Peterborough, built our lovely home, had two beautiful daughters, had many wonderful friends in our life, but alas at the age of 45 my husband, Vic, died very suddenly on Sept 29, 1963. I was a widow at 42 years old. That was a sad, scary time for me and my two daughters. But, as always, life moves along and I went out to work. I have been retired now many years. I'm very proud of my beautiful daughters and my 5 beautiful grandchildren.

I have been to Scotland many times. I love my place of birth but I'm first a Canadian. If I was to go back in time to 1941 and could make a choice, would I do it all over again? Yes, I would. My biggest enjoyment next to my family is my Warbride friends. We laugh together and sometimes cry together, as many Warbrides. like me are widowed.

I am proud to be a Canadian and proud also of my Scottish heritage.