Elisabeth Martha Zufall Schwabe

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Elisabeth Martha Zufall Schwabe

On April 28, 1923, a baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Zufall in Ochshausen near Kassel in Germany. The girl was named Elisabeth Martha Zufall, but in the beginning, she was mostly called Liesel. She grew up and was educated as an Electronic Technologist.

Liesel worked for Siemens & Halske in Berlin. When the Russians entered the city, she fled to the West German part. The political situation in Europe was very unstable.

Companies in Canada were searching for Electronic Technicians, so Canada offered German technicians free transportation (to be repaid later) and a job. Liesel and some colleagues applied and were accepted. A lot of preparations were necessary before they could leave Europe. On November 16, 1951, the M/S Anna Salen immigrated them from Germany to Pier 21.

From Halifax, passengers from the boat spread across Canada to where they had jobs waiting for them. Lisa (the name she has used in her new country) went by train to Vancouver, which was her choice. She worked there until here retirement.

Lisa Schwabe
March 9, 2021