Datta and Pat Saungikar

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Datta and Pat Saungikar

Datta Keshao Saungikar

After two years in the Science College in Nagpur, he joined the Indian Navy as an Electrical Artificer Apprentice in 1951. He graduated 1955. In 1957, he converted to Aviation and was sent to UK for training in various places in England and Scotland. In March 1958, he met Pat in Lossiemouth, Scotland at a dance in Elgin. After leaving the airstaion and UK, he kept writing and eventually made it back to the UK to form up a squadron and embark on the Aircraft Carrier. They got married in Sheffield (without prior permission) then Datta joined I.N.S Vikrant in Portsmouth, and after doing exercises in Mediterranean, arrived in India to face discharge.

Patricia Marian Saungikar nee Evans

Joined W.R.N.S. as Aircraft Mechanic in February 1957 after basic and trade training. She was sent to Lossiemouth Scotland. Met Chief Petty Officer Saungikar while he was training in Scotland. After three years of long distance courtship, (mostly writing letters) she was married in Sheffield at St. Joseph's Catholic Church where she, because Datta was Hindu and still is, needed the Bishop's permission. She left W.R.N.S after 5 years at her own request due to marriage and emigrating to Canada.

Due to the restrictions in the Indian Navy about marrying foreign national, Datta was discharged from the Navy as soon as he returned to India on their Carrier. After they were married, Pat sent out many job applications to various companies in UK, all said to contact them again when Datta returned from India. But she also sent one to Litton Systems in Rexdale, Ontario and their reply was- if you can be in Canada by February 28th- you have a job! He returned to UK at Christmas and after getting a visa and passing the immigration interview and medical etc., in Leeds, they sailed on February 9th, 1962 on the R.M.S. Sylvania, from Liverpool to Halifax. The crossing was so stormy that no one made it to the dinning room.

They had a destination to make for- but not a name or address of any person on the whole continent. They were soon finished with the processing and boarded the train with a change in Montreal; they arrived in Toronto, Sunday evening. On a very cold February day they made their way to Rexdale. Datta went first thing on Monday morning to Litton Systems then they tried to find a place to live. They had $100 between them when we got off the boat. They did find a small 2-room basement apartment, where they could pay the rent by the week, and they settled down to work.

Canada has been very good to us; we both worked very hard and had two children, a girl Evelyn in 1965 and a son Neil 1967. They had been ad great joy and more than fulfilled our hopes and dreams. Lyn has her MBA and freelances in Toronto, Neil has a BE in electrical engineering and is employed by NORTEL networks in Ottawa. Being somewhat retired we moved to beautiful Kawarthas an had a home built on Peterborough. After 30 years in the same house it was nice to start over with everything new. Thank you Canada.

By Datta and Patricia Saungikar