Concetta DeGasperis

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Concetta DeGasperis

Concetta DeGasperis was the fourth of six children born to Attilio DeGasperis & Rosina Colucci, in the small central Italian town of Sora, Frosinone. On February 11, 1960, Concetta along with her mother Rosina, her sister Mary and brothers, Antonio & Carlo, boarded the ‘Conte Biancamano' and headed for Halifax, Nova Scotia to eventually join her father Attilio and two other brothers, Alfredo & Angelo who had already begun their aspirations of a new and better life in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

They were overflowing with uncertainty and excitement when the ship docked at Pier 21 on February 21st after ten long and cold days over the Atlantic, when they finally caught their first glimpse of Canada.

With few belongings, they boarded the train to Toronto and settled in one over crowded family house in the area formerly known as Downsview. It was a home where everyone worked very hard but also made the time to enjoy their family and new life, even on simple means ... crowded or not, they were together, happy and prospering.

A year later, Concetta's life would again change dramatically when she met the man who would become her dance partner for life, Giovanni Guglietti. They married on August 26th, 1961 and in the years that followed brought four sons in to this world, Silvio, Riccardo, Marco and John. Even with their many other successes, Concetta found her greatest joy in her family and friends. She was a loving and positive woman, who continually strived to do the right thing, even when it was not the easy choice.

Concetta was very grateful for the opportunities and blessings that she received in Canada and loved it as much as her homeland, a place she never forgot to praise. She enjoyed many years in this wonderful, abundant country and never forgot her humble beginnings. She maintained her ties with her hometown friends by supporting the San Vincenzo Valleradice Club with great joy. In 2005 Concetta passed at the young age of 61, leaving behind a large and grateful family who will always remember the love she bestowed upon her future generations. She is dearly missed.

May Concetta's great personal, family and spiritual awareness be forever remembered and continued in future generations.