Carlo Brunello

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription
Carlo Brunello

My name is Carlo Brunello. I was born in Bessica ( Loria) in the province of Treviso in the region of Veneto, Italy in 1930. In June of the year 1954, I left the port of Genoa on the ship Homeland to seek my fortune in Canada. After a long and stormy voyage of thirteen days, we docked at Pier 21 in Halifax. On our arrival, we immediately had to board a train. It was to bring me to Hamilton, where a government job awaited me. However, as fate would have it, I got off the train in Montreal and have lived there ever since. In 1958, I married Helga Detje, who had emigrated with her mother, Gertrud Detje, from Hamburg, Germany in 1953. Together we had six children - Maria, Lorenzo, Adriano, Cristina, Nicola, and Stefano.

For nearly 40 years I owned a restaurant and convenience store and with hard work and long hours made a good living for myself and my family. Today, that family includes twelve grandchildren - Karina, Levon, Vincent, Oliver, Mateo, Amanda, Louis, Jeanne, Noa, Sofia, Esteban, and Evelina.

Now at almost eighty years of age, I look back at my life in Canada and I am grateful to this beautiful country for giving me the opportunity to live a happy and satisfying life.

I am also thankful to my children who have honoured me with a brick with my name on the Sobey Wall of Honour at Pier 21.

Several young men seated and standing behind a ship's life preserver.
Carlo, front far right, Homeland Jun 1954
Italian passport showing photo page of young Carlo.
Carlo Brunello's Passport
Passport page showing Canadian Immigration stamp at Halifax.
Carlo Brunello's Passport.
Coloured photo of Carlo and his wife as an older couple.
Carlo & Helga 50th Anniversary 2009.