Bill, Barbara and Jim Pryor

Sobey Wall of Honour



First Line Inscription

Bill, Barbara and Jim Pryor

Country of Origin: England
Ship Name: Aquitania
Port of Entry: Pier 21
Date of Arrival: March 16, 1947

Pier 21 - That's where I came home to in March 1947

I had married my husband, Bill in Aug. 1943. He was in the R.A.F. and had come to Canada to serve in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. He was posted back to Gt. Britain in Oct. 1943. When the English wives and children, who the English government had brought to Canada, returned to Gt. Britain in Feb. 1944, I and many other North American wives had the privilege of going too. Thankfully I was able to accompany my husband when he was posted. He had become an instructor upon returning to Gt. Britain.

When the war ended, we were living in his hometown of Cardiff, Wales. We lived there for a year and a half, but after much discussion decided to return to Canada.

We traveled on the Aquitania, a large but old ship. I remember walking around the deck, and the ship creaked and to me it seemed to say "I'm old and tired." We were aboard her on one of her last voyages across the Atlantic. I was seasick so others had to look after our one and a half year old son. My husband, on the other hand, wasn't too sick. He was in a cabin with another man and I was a cabin with two other ladies and their children. Our son slept in a hammock in the birth above mine. Eventually the trip was over!

Upon arriving in Halifax at Pie r21 we were really home, at least for me. I remember lining up with other returning Canadians, but my husband and son entered Canada as immigrants, so had to go to another desk. At last we had completed all the necessary papers. Now we were able to get the train for Montreal, then on to London, O.N., my hometown and our future home.

Barbara A. Pryor