Time 0:02:27
When I hear that we are going to Canada, I just think that it is a joke or something like that. When my mom started picking our clothes and dresses I just think that I am dreaming. I came here in Canada in 24 January, 2013. Since I came to Canada, my life has changed.
In Cameroon they told us, when we came to the airport, there would be someone with a cap or a shirt of the UN, but we couldn’t find him. There was a girl who came with us, and her mother and sister greeted her at the airport. She held her mom and she started crying. I was thinking are we going to stay at the airport forever? Finally, he found us, with our UN bags, and he says, I am Christophe and I am your counsellor. He asked for our papers and he brought us to Welcome Place.
At first, I didn’t even see the city well, because there was too much snow. It seems so so small. Christophe took us to the superstore to buy some food, and he showed us the Acceuil Francophone, and the river. We went to a farm, and saw some animals, and we met some students. When we saw a map of Winnipeg I saw that it was so big, bigger than Cameroon. Now I am waiting to go to school. We are waiting for our house. I want to learn more, to meet other children and make some friends.