The Museum builds its collection by the donation of stories, oral histories, and other materials from public and private sources.
Please check with Collections staff before sending offered items to the Museum. Tangible items must remain with the donor until the acquisitions process is complete.
Contact Collections
902-425-7770 ext. 265
or by regular mail at:
Attn: Collections Department
201-1099 Marginal Road,
Halifax NS B3H 4P7
When the Collections team replies, you will get a form to fill out. This form gathers details about the items you want to donate to the Museum. Please return the completed form to the Museum. Your information will be shared with the Museum's Collection Committee.
The Committee reviews all donation offers. They decide what to accept into the collection. Please provide as much information as you can about the items. The Committee wants to know the experiences and stories behind them.
If your items are accepted, we will reach out to you to finish the donation process. If the Museum cannot accept your offer, we may suggest other museums for you to contact.